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Oh yes, back to the daylight savings time bills. I would vote against a bill to abolish daylight savings time. State Rep Doug Cox


There are two bills in the legislature dealing with daylight savings time. One of them would abolish daylight savings time, and the other one places us on daylight savings time year round. Surprisingly, I have see receive many emails from you regarding this issue. More on those later.

I find it ironic that we are dealing with bills concerning how we keep time in our state while we face a 1.3 billion dollar budget shortfall. How we deal with the budget shortfall remains to be seen. The options are basically to cut government services, find more revenue (taxes), or look for more savings with government consolidation and increased efficiencies.   I am sure the answer will be some combination of all three.  These are very tough issues and it this point it is hard to get a consensus of enough legislators to agree on any one plan. As we get closer to our mandantory adjournment at the end of May and the reality of the budget crisis fully sinks in on all members, a plan will be formulated.

Doug Cox Integris   The state capital of Oklahoma truly is the peoples building. It is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. I have had many visitors at your state capital lately. The student governing body from NEO, along with President Hale.  The kids and instructors in FFA from Concord, Afton, Wyandotte, and Jay. Grove airport manager, Lisa Jewett, visited on Aeronautics Day at the Capitol. That is just to name a few. I look forward to seeing many more of you when you visit our State Capital.

When I took office over 11 years ago I never dreamed that earthquakes would become an issue in Oklahoma.  They are now quite frequent in the eastern half of our state. We do not actually have much legislation to deal with them because most experts contribute their cause to activity related to the oil and gas industry, which is regulated by the Corporation Commission. While I have often wished that we had oil and gas production in our area, at least we do not have to deal with earthquakes!

Oh yes, back to the daylight savings time bills. I would vote against a bill to abolish daylight savings time. I would either keep it like it is or even extended it to year round. I admit, this is purely for selfish reasons. I love being able to water ski or ride wave runners on Grand Lake at 8:30 at night in the summer!

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your State Representative. I can be reached at dougcoxhouse.gov or 405 – 557 – 7415.

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