Channel: Grand Lake Business Journal.com » DELAWARE COUNTY
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Voting Tips Offered by Delaware County Election Board Secretary


Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, for the Annual School Elections.  Delaware County Election Board Secretary Dixie Smith offered voters tips on how to make their votes count.

Smith said that a valid ballot marking—a filled-in box (in either blue or black ballpoint ink)—is important. If voters make mistakes marking their ballots, Smith said they should not try to correct those errors. Instead, a voter should return the spoiled ballot to precinct officials, who will destroy it and issue a new ballot to the voter.

Smith also urged voters to take their voter identification cards with them to the polls. “Your voter ID card (issued by the County Election Board) can help precinct officials find your name in the Precinct Registry, and it may help them resolve the problem if you are not listed in the Registry for some reason,” Smith explained. Alternatively, voters can bring an unexpired photo ID card issued by the U.S. government, the state of Oklahoma, or a federally recognized tribal government.

Voters without ID, or whose names are not found in the Precinct Registry, or voters who disagree with the information shown in the Registry, may always cast a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot is sealed in a special envelope and counted after Election Day if the voter’s information can be verified by the County Election Board.

Smith said that voters who want to get through the line quickly should vote at mid-morning or mid-afternoon, because those usually are the two slowest periods.

I VOTE“Anyone who is eligible and in line at the polling place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday will be entitled to vote,” the Delaware County Election Board Secretary added.

Following is a list of the precinct polling places and the appropriate ballot(s) for each location in the Annual School Elections on February 11, 2014:


 Delaware County Polling Places


Precinct 1            Cleora School                                                            NTC School Board*

Precinct 2            Bernice Senior Citizens Building                        NTC School Board

Precinct 3            Monkey Island Fire Dept.                                    NTC School Board

Precinct 4            Hickory Grove Fire Dept.                                    NTC School Board

Precinct 5            St. Andrews Episcopal Church                        NTC School Board

Precinct 6            Cowskin Fire Department #1                                    NTC School Board

Precinct 7            1st United Methodist Church                                    NTC School Board

Precinct 8            Butler Baptist Church                                                NTC School Board

Precinct 9            Independent Baptist Church                                    NTC School Board


Precinct 10            Jay Community Center                                    Kansas School Board

NTC School Board


Precinct 11            Bible Baptist Church                                                NTC School Board

Precinct 12            Zena Community Center                                    NTC School Board

Precinct 14            1st Assembly of God Church in Jay                        NTC School Board


Precinct 15            Assembly of God Church in Topsy                        Kenwood School Board

NTC School Board

Spavinaw School Board


Precinct 16            Jay Community Center                                    Kansas School Board

NTC School Board


Precinct 17            Eucha Fire Dept.                                                Kenwood School Board

NTC School Board


Precinct 18             Mt. Hermon Church Rec. Bldg.                        Colcord School Board

NTC School Board

Precinct 19             Colcord Church of Christ                                    Colcord School Board

Kansas School Board

NTC School Board


Precinct 20            Kenwood Water Office                                    Kansas School Board

Kenwood School Board

NTC School Board


Precinct 21            Leach First Baptist Church                                    Kansas School Board

NTC School Board

Oaks School Board


Precinct 22            Kansas Community Center                                    Kansas School Board

NTC School Board

Oaks School Board

Precinct 23            West Siloam Fire Dept.                                    Colcord School Board

NTC School Board

*NTC – Northeast Technology Center

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