My Year-End 2013 Real Estate Market Analysis is now complete, and is as follows.
To briefly REVIEW the Year-End 2013 results, let me give you a few quick insights:
TOTAL Dollars Spent on Real Estate was UP 1% from last year (2012) which was UP over 2011 by 21.7%
TOTAL Dollars Spent on Real Estate was almost $157 Million
TOTAL number of PROPERTIES of all types sold is UP 2.5%
Dollars spent on HOMES is UP 7.5%
Number of HOMES sold is UP 6.2%
Dollars spent on WATERFRONT HOMES is UP 10.8%
Dollars spent on LUXURY HOMES ($500,000+) is UP 1%
Number of LUXURY HOMES sold is DOWN 5%
Dollars spent on WATERFRONT LOTS is DOWN 55%
Dollars spent on FARMS is DOWN 42%
Conventional Financing is UP 8.6% or $5 Million
Conventional Financing LOANS is UP 3%
Cash Financing is UP 23%
Dollars spent on South Counties Real Estate is UP 12.6% or $6 Million
Grove Area Real Estate remains just over 50% of the market
Based on information from the Northeast Oklahoma Board of Realtors® for the period January 1, 2013 through
December 31, 2013
Jeff Savage – CRS, e-PRO, SRES
Mobile Phone: (918) 791-1039
Office: (918) 786-9888
Office Fax: (918) 786-9890
Email Address